With a long trajectory as a freelance journalist, analyst and trainer specialized in international and online information / disinformation, I am currently part of the Verifica RTVE team and associate lecturer on International Relations at the Complutense University, Madrid. I am also a Board Member of Reporters without Borders Spain (RsF Spain).
Besides contributing to Spanish media outlets since 2001, I have a Journalism Degree, a Master in European Politics, Cultures and Societies and a PhD in International Relations with a thesis on “Internet as an information source for international journalism”. The thesis was awarded the Complutense Extraordinary Prize in 2006. At that time, such a digital perspective was unusual.
I helped translate the first EJC «Verification handbook» into Spanish (2014) and, more recently, after being awarded a certificate as an OSINT Advanced Practicioner, authored the book “Verificación digital para periodistas: manual contra bulos y desinformación internacional” (“Digital verification for journalists: a handbook against fakes and international disinformation”, 2018).
As a pioneer of digital verification in Spain, journalists have been attending my related courses since 2012 at universities, professional entities, civic associations and newsrooms (in-company courses). These have included professionals working for the most renowned national media: RTVE, ATRESMedia, EFE Agency, El País, El Mundo, Europa Press, ElConfidencial.com, Eldiario.es. I collaborate with Deutsche Welle Akademie for verification workshops in Africa and Asia and participated as a trainer in the FirstDraft election project CrossCheck Spain.